Life is full of choices is a trustworthy statement. At every point in time, we have to take a decision or make a choice. Some of those choices include a choice to please God or man. Free will was given to man from the onset of time. We are free under every consideration to make choices or decisions but the question is― are these choices pleasing God or man? Many folks today are going superficial trying to please men to the neglect of the most important things in this life ( Fearing God and doing His Will - Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 ). Christians, God’s elect are becoming more like the Pharisees of our Lord’s times ( Matt 23:25;Matt.15:8 ). They outwardly appear to be kingdom minded but they are indeed ravenous wolves. Christians today are not inside-out with God. Men are seeking the praises of fellow men and not the glory of King Jesus. When we try to please men, we forsake God, dilute His word and preach not the gospel as it. Our pulpits are gradually be...