The providence of God
All Bible-believing people acknowledge the fact that God works miraculously ( Exodus 14; John 3:2 ). This belief often causes many to think anything wondrous that happens in and around us is miraculous in some sense. It is very common to hear people make statements like God did a miracle in my life when something wondrous happens to them. However, will we accept the word of God for what it says God does for us now? A miracle employs a supernatural source via supernatural means. Simply put, a miracle is something that happens out of the realm of natural laws. Biblical miracles broke the laws of nature. Jesus Christ turning water into wine ( John 2:1-11 ), feeding the ten thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish ( John 6: 1-14 ) were not mere natural processes. The purpose of biblical miracles was to confirm the word of God spoken by the Apostles ( Mark 16: 17-19; Heb. 2:4 ). God does not speak to us today using signs and miracles as he did through by the prophets and...