The providence of God
All Bible-believing people acknowledge the fact that
God works miraculously (Exodus 14; John 3:2). This belief often causes many to
think anything wondrous that happens in and around us is miraculous in some
sense. It is very common to hear people make statements like God did a miracle
in my life when something wondrous happens to them. However, will we accept the
word of God for what it says God does for us now?
A miracle employs a supernatural source via
supernatural means. Simply put, a miracle is something that happens out of the
realm of natural laws. Biblical miracles broke the laws of nature. Jesus Christ
turning water into wine (John 2:1-11), feeding the ten thousand with five loaves
of bread and two fish (John 6: 1-14) were not mere natural processes. The
purpose of biblical miracles was to confirm the word of God spoken by the Apostles
(Mark 16: 17-19; Heb. 2:4). God does not speak to us today using signs and
miracles as he did through by the prophets and Apostles. God explicitly speaks
to us through Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:1-2). Will you agree to what Jesus says? Jesus
says we should obey the word (John12:48)! The word of God is the complete
revelation of God’s will (1Cor. 13: 8-13; 2Peter 1:2,2Timothy 2:15-17). God
indeed did work miracles in times past. However, it is false on the surface to
claim that God still works miraculously today (1Cor. 13:8-13).
By the way, does God still work in our lives today?
Absolutely yes, but he does so in a non-miraculous way. Providence employs a
supernatural source via natural means. God works providentially in our lives
and this he does without defying the laws of nature. Today, God works in our
lives employing natural processes. God is deeply involved in our lives (Psalm
23: 1-2). The Psalmist in the twenty-third Psalm describes God as a Shepard. As
a Shepherd, God cares and provides for His sheep what they need. He leads us
where to go and comforts us. He is very active in our lives and in the world.
However, he works under natural principles to produce his desired results. The
Bible further reveals that God works providentially in a general and specific
The Bible teaches that God works providentially for
all men (Matthew 5:45) signifying his general providence. God’s providence
makes both the righteous and the unrighteous to benefit from his provisions.
God causes rain to fall everywhere; providing water for all men despite their
sin status. God causes good things to happen to all men and the other elements
of His creation. Matthew 6:26 and Psalm
104: 21 further explains how God
providentially takes care and supervises the work of His creation. Also, God
providentially creates and destroys governments (Daniel 2: 21) who are set to exercise
rule on all men regardless of their relationship with God. God works through
natural means to achieve His purpose. God working through His providence
destroyed the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greece, and Rome to pave way
for the establishment of His divine Kingdom. Romans 13:1-2 furthers teaches
that God providentially gives men authority and establishes their rule.
Also, God's word reveals that God works providentially
in the lives of those who are obedient to His will demonstrating his specific
providence. Romans 8: 28 speaks to the point that God providentially works
goodness in the lives of those who are called according to His purpose. It is a
blessing to be a Christian and a beneficiary of God’s specific providence.
Those who are called through the Gospel of Christ benefit from the specific
providence of God Almighty (1Peter 1:23).
As a result of God's specific providence, He helps his
children to overcome sin (1 Corinthians 13:10). Certain things are not allowed
by God, and this affirmation assumes his activity in the affairs of men. God
will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. This is a great demonstration
of how God is providentially helping us to overcome sin. He always provides an
escape route for His Children when they are tempted. For instance, God did not allow the devil to do certain
things to Job. Likewise, God does not allow temptations to come into our lives
which is beyond our ability to resist! (God not only prohibits irresistible
temptation; he provides a way
of escape).
It is worth bringing to your notice that God works
providentially in our lives. However, except for the clear scriptural instance
where we see God working providentially in people’s lives, we should not assume
anything for the providence of God. For example, we can know that God was
working providentially in the life of Joseph to make things good for Israel.
But, we should avoid making speculations about what belongs to God’s providence
in our lives. Yes, God works providentially in our lives, we know because the
Bible says so. However, we don’t know the instances in our lives that He does
work, but by faith, we believe He does work!
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