
The providence of God

  All Bible-believing people acknowledge the fact that God works miraculously ( Exodus 14; John 3:2 ). This belief often causes many to think anything wondrous that happens in and around us is miraculous in some sense. It is very common to hear people make statements like God did a miracle in my life when something wondrous happens to them. However, will we accept the word of God for what it says God does for us now?   A miracle employs a supernatural source via supernatural means. Simply put, a miracle is something that happens out of the realm of natural laws. Biblical miracles broke the laws of nature. Jesus Christ turning water into wine ( John 2:1-11 ), feeding the ten thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish ( John 6: 1-14 ) were not mere natural processes. The purpose of biblical miracles was to confirm the word of God spoken by the Apostles ( Mark 16: 17-19; Heb. 2:4 ). God does not speak to us today using signs and miracles as he did through by the prophets and...


Modern living presents a lot of challenges to man. With the unlimited volumes of data and information that is made available to us through the internet and with a click or a tap on a button or more, we get open ed to a whole lot of information. Though, some of those pieces of information are accurate and true, others are erroneous. The sad side of this unlimited sources of information is that we are open to confusion and as a result making sound and true judgment as to what is true is very difficult. Satan is indeed a roaring lion ( 1  P eter 5:8 ) and he doesn't sleep, he is working twenty-four hours seven times a week! Our lives are under attack by Satan and h e i s searching for ways and means to propagate his course( John 8:44 ) to deceive and misinform us. He has not left the internet out of his tactical schemes of misinforming and deceiving men to believe not in the Lord Almighty. The rise in disbelief in the twenty-first century is largely due ...


One of the most natural things we do when we are displeased or feel ill-treated is to complain and sometimes we go the extra mile to cause confusion and even wrangling in several cases.  This is a natural mechanism through which we can register our displeasure on the unpleasant things going around in our lives, in our society and even in the Church. Murmuring is a thing of normality in our day and time and it is easy to see people complaining about the things happening around the globe.  People can complain and say all manner of things when things aren’t going on well. Some complains are legitimate especially in situations where people are denied their rights.  However, it is worth noting that complaining about the unpleasant things does not solve any problem. It is even sad to know that God’s elect are the most people into this act. In the church, the members often times complain about their leaders.  When the Church is not evangelizing very well, the members...


One of the very sharp lessons every child learns is submission. Children immediately they learn to speak, are taught to submit and obey the instructions by their parents. When parents spank children for the wrongs they do, often times, they learn from that experience and never will they like to the spanked for the same wrong actions.   An obedient child is one who is submissive to the parents. Children who honor their parents are obedient. Such children are a blessing to godly parents. On the side of the story, there are some children who are stubborn and a constant source of worry to parents. They do not obey nor do they submit to their parents. It is every parent’s wish to have obedient children but that is not always the case most times. Disobedient Children are always punished by parents. Nature itself teaches that submission is relevant. Just us children obey parents, God has a much greater power and ought to be obeyed. God has authority. His authority can be seen by H...


Go out of the   ekklesia , go to our   homes, go to the supermarkets and   shopping malls, go to the   schools, go to our offices of work and I tell you, you will see that those who claim to profess our Lord   Jesus Christ are nothing different from the people of the world. A quick observation is–there is a misplaced priority in the church today. Most of our congregations have gone apostate and some are on the road to apostasy as well. There is a disconnection between the Church of the Bible and some of our congregations. There appears to be a bearing of resemblance to the Church of the Bible but taking a closer look you will realize that these congregations are far off from being that Church the early disciples were added to.   To see the extent of our disconnection, we have neglected the book-chapter-and-verse preaching for social gospel messages.   How many times have we not heard from our own people that the church is boring and we should g...


In the political world, politicians rise up with good manifestos, convincing people to vote for them for change to be realized. Often times, people embrace their political ideologies and go out to polling stations   during elections   to cast their   votes in hope of having a change in the society. Guess what? Most of these politicians always fail to fulfill their campaigns promises. Under every regard, they often fail to live by their words. Christians today are more and more becoming “ political Christians ”.   On every Sunday, you will see these folks who claim to be professing Christ flamboyantly dressed in their nicest apparels in church. They turn to be godly within the confines of the Church building which is mostly three hours, but they are different people all together when they move out of the assembly of the saints.   This is exactly what “three-hour’ Christian syndrome is about. Today, many Christians endorse or coax other people to engage in ...


Life is full of choices is  a trustworthy statement. At every point in time, we have to take a decision or make a choice. Some of those choices include a choice to please God or man. Free will was given to man from the onset of time. We are free under every consideration to make choices or decisions but the question is― are these choices pleasing God or man? Many folks today are going superficial trying to please men to the neglect of the most important things in this life ( Fearing God and doing His Will - Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 ). Christians, God’s elect are becoming more like the Pharisees of our Lord’s times ( Matt 23:25;Matt.15:8 ). They outwardly appear to be kingdom minded but they are indeed ravenous wolves. Christians today are not inside-out with God. Men are seeking the praises of fellow men and not the glory of    King Jesus. When we try to please men, we forsake God, dilute His word and preach not the gospel as it.   Our pulpits are gradually be...